Finding hidden risks, Charting a safe course
GREGORY J. PASSIC Mr. Passic is an internationally renowned expert in international organized crime and money laundering. Before joining BERG Associates in 1998, Mr. Passic served at the U.S. Department of Treasury as the Chief of Special Operations of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Under his leadership FinCEN–a multi-agency group–targeted over 10 billion dollars of illegal drug profits flowing into Mexican and Colombian organizations. His expertise in combating drug cartels was acquired during a distinguished career as a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). During his 25 years with DEA he rose through the Ranks to head their word-wide financial investigative program. At his initiative in 1990 a multi-agency money laundering task force was created and was comprised of personnel from DEA, Customs, the IRS, the FBI, Postal Investigations and the CIA. Mr. Passic’s management of that task force produced a strategy that attacked the financial infrastucture of the Colombian Cartels. During this effort he managed and supervised the activities of over 200 Special Agents and 40 intelligence analysts. Mr. Passic is called on frequently to provide analysis on how to target the financial foundation of the drug cartels and other international criminal organizations. In Oct. 1997, for example, Mr. Passic testified before Congress about Drug Traffickers’ strategies and techniques for penetrating legitimate businesses. He has been featured in numerous newspaper, magazine, and television programs. Mr. Passic frequently lectures on the subject and has participated in over 30 international conferences regarding money laundering. Mr. Passic has received numerous awards and commendations during his career from United States and Foreign Law Enforcement Agencies. He remains active with numerous "think tanks" in the Washington, D.C. area. He was born in Price, Utah in 1947 and earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in International Relations from the University of Utah in 1971.